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Fall 2021 Music Classes

It has been a joy to be back in a music classroom where students have more access to instruments, additional space for movement and the ability to sing indoors with their music masks! Here's a snapshot of what we've been up to this Fall.

First Steps in Music - The Workout

Students in PreK-2nd Grade experience a variety of 5-9 different songs, rhymes or activities during each 30 minute music class. Students exercise their voices through Pitch Exploration where they slide their voices up and down to access their full range.

(Pitch Exploration - Below) Students in Mrs. Menz's class create yarn shapes on a felt board and then make a sliding sound to "sing" their shape.

After their voices are warmed up, students strengthen their singing and listening skills by singing echo songs with the teacher.

(Fragment Song - Below) Mrs. Burns' class singing one of our new favorites, "Old Mrs. Witch".

While singing is very important for students in their early music learning, listening and movement are equally important. Dancing is a great way to help students recognize music patterns like form and phrasing.

(Movement with Form and Expression - Below) Mrs. Greenberg's kindergarten class performing the dance "Seven Jumps"

Students also practice their steady beat and use of expression through spoken fingerplay rhymes and action songs. (Movement with Form and Expression - Below) Ms. Kahofer's 1st grade class performing one of our favorite fingerplays "These are Grandma's Glasses"

Other parts of the First Steps in Music Workout are Keeping the Beat activities which students may use an instrument or a stuffy to keep the beat while singing.

Early music experiences are meant to be joyful and foster student independence, so there are many opportunities for students to sing and share ideas by themselves.

Thanks A Lot - K-4 Music Activity

This November, students in grades K-4 learned the song "Thanks A Lot" by Raffi. After singing through the song, students created original verses and drew a picture to go along with it. Below are some examples:

"Thanks a lot, thanks for trees" - Riley (2nd Grade)

"Thanks a lot, thanks for cotton candy; Thanks a lot, thanks for puppies" - Dylan (3rd Grade)

"Thanks a lot, thanks for the clean nature; Thanks a lot, thanks for food; Thanks a lot, thanks for shelter"

- Aleah (3rd Grade)

Partner Compositions - 4th Grade

Students in 4th grade worked on compositions using rhythm patterns. They created and wrote out their rhythms, made artistic choices about which instruments they wanted to use, rehearsed their compositions and performed them for their classmates.

Below - Step 1: Create rhythm patterns with cards and copy your rhythms to the worksheet (Mrs. Morehouse's 4th Grade students)

Below - Step 2: Select instruments to use for your composition and rehearse it with your partner.

(Mrs. Cunninghams's 4th Grade students)

(Mr. Guggemos' 4th Grade students)

As you can see, we have been participating in a wide variety of music activities and students can look forward to more joyful music making for the rest of the year.

If you have any questions, there is a contact page on this website or you can email Lizzy Carlson (BPS Music Teacher) at


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