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Welcome to the
Brookside Primary School
Music Website!
On this site you can find:
-Info about the music program
here at BPS.
-Recordings of songs
we love to sing in class
-At home music resources
-PreK resources
-Info about Mrs. Palumbo and
how to get in touch with her
Spring Concert 2024
4th grade classes and both choruses (3rd and 4th) will perform in a concert on Thursday, April 11th at 6pm in the BPS gym.
Practice resources will be available here as we get closer to the concert!
Concert Attire:
Chorus - Something bright and springy! (bottoms should be an appropriate length or worn with leggings or tights; no ripped clothing)
4th Grade Classes - students will wear school provided t-shirts; bottoms should be an appropriate length or worn with leggings or tights; no ripped clothing
Call time: Students should arrive in the gym no later than 5:45.
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